About Us
The Centre for Freudian Analysis and Research was founded in 1985 with the aim of promoting and developing psychoanalysis in the United Kingdom from within a Freudian and Lacanian perspective.
The work of the Centre involves the study of psychoanalysis through teaching, seminars and study groups and it trains psychoanalysts within the context of its clinical training programme.
The Centre has a public seminar programme where central issues in psychoanalysis and allied fields are discussed. It welcomes people not registered on its Training Programme to attend these meetings.
Throughout the year CFAR regularly organises seminars given by eminent psychoanalysts from France, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Australia and elsewhere which comprise both theoretical and clinical presentations.
The Centre publishes a Journal, JCFAR, as well as a web journal and regular information bulletin which is circulated to all those registered with the Centre. The Journal contains articles on psychoanalytic themes from a Freudian and Lacanian perspective and is an important source of psychoanalytic articles translated from French, Spanish and Italian.
Membership of CFAR gives registration with the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP). CFAR is a UKCP registered training organisation which is authorised to accredit psychoanalysts.
CFAR maintains relations with other training bodies both within the UK and abroad.