CFAR in Bristol
Structures of Love
Can psychoanalysis tell us anything new about love? Where literature offers
us many fine and precise descriptions of love, psychoanalysis can perhaps
illuminate the unconscious structures at play. Analytic work shows that we can
be in love without knowing it, and there is even a special kind of love that is
fostered by the analytic relation itself, that Freud called transference love.
These seminars will explore analytic conceptions of love, and many of the
questions that arise through clinical work: How do love and desire differ? What
are the preconditions of love? Can there be love without guilt? How does love
end? And what is the relation between love and clinical structure?
No prior knowledge of Lacan is assumed.
Kristina Valendinova
Saturday 7 December 2024
10.00 am – 12 pm
Registration: 9.30 am on the day
Kristina Valendinova is a practicing analyst, member of CFAR and of the Cercle Freudien in Paris.
Vincent Dachy
Saturday 8 February 2025
Christos Tombras
Saturday 17 May 2025
Book Tickets Here:
Please note: different venue than usual for December seminar.
Peel Lecture Theatre
School of Geographical Sciences, University of Bristol
University Road Bristol BS8 1SS
Please address enquiries to
Conor McCormack at “[email protected]”